Monday, May 29, 2006

Waiting for the Moment

It is almost as if life is on pause at the moment, just waiting for someone to gently push that play button. Or, to use a less machinistic image, it is like we are holding our breath. We know the day and moment will come to exhale, but just are not sure exactly when in the next few days of our life that will happen. But that next breath will change everything ... so we are told, and so I realize in my head and to some degree in my heart.

A baby is almost here. Well, she is here, isn't she? But there is a next stage, another level, a deeper connection to be made. I wonder what difference it would make if this was our second child. I sense there would be a different kind of thrill and excitement. There is almost a sense of exploration to come, a new land to enter. And we are paused on the threshold with anticipation. Most of the thoughts are positive, but occasionally there creeps in the anxious fearful images and imaginings. But, there is also a resignation that certain things are beyond my control; no matter how desperately I may want to ensure that mother and child breeze through the Moment with the greatest ease.

It is at this moment that faith in a good and sovereign Father God does make a concrete difference. Sure, there may be questions about the mystery of suffering, and raging against the enigma of God's ways being higher than my ways. And our Father God does have His own, His own ... well, put it this way: He gets to decide what is right. And that would be deeply troubling if He wasn't and isn't good to the core of His being. Goodness, that makes the difference. And, I hope, even when trials and tribulations do hit ... this will make all the difference.

So, what do I wonder the most? Honestly, at the moment I wonder when it will all happen. When the Moment will arrive. It is hard to think beyond this. It is like holding one's breath, one can only think about the moment one takes the next breath ... not necessarily what will happen after that. So, here is to the arrival of the Moment and that first next breath.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Thank You

To Our Dear InterVarsity Family,

It is hard for me to share with you how precious the baby shower was for me ... and for my growing family!

This may be somewhat sacriligious but I am reminded of the story of Jesus being anointed by the woman at Bethany with the most expensive perfume. It was an extravagant gift that others thought was a waste, but Jesus said it was beautiful and would be remembered wherever and whenever His gospel is preached. Likewise, your gifts are extravagant and so very thoughtful. Others might think it a waste of money and time - the Cooke family treasures your giving as beautiful. And wherever and whenever our story is told, and the story of our child, we will remember to tell of your love for us.

Vesi and I laughed, sighed, and choked up reading through your contributions to "Proud Papa's" scrap book, and the little notes to 'Baby' in the book. When she is too big for the carrier (which I can't wait to wear around campus), has grown out of the clothes, can't sit in the high chair any longer, and pooped in all the diapers ... your loving thoughts will still be a part of her life and our family.

Thank you for sharing the love of Christ with us, and I am very excited about our baby sharing her life with you.


Bruce, Vesi and Baby