Saturday, July 01, 2006


Well, four weeks has passed since Lexi's birth and it is hard to imagine life without her.

To change tack for a moment: procrastination ... am i doing it at the moment? One of the life puzzles that has arisen is getting tasks done in the midst of adjusting to Lexi's presence and - this week - Vesi's struggles with some virus/temperature etc. So, being the summer, I have the luxury of being at home and taking care of the ladies of my life ... but at the same time there are 'vocational tasks' that need to be done ... studying, meetings, adminstrative things - but I am putting them off. Either to be around home, to run errands, to take care of Lexi, or just because I am tired. In the midst of all this, to be honest, there has been some TV watching (mainly sports) and some DVD viewing. And so the month of June has passed, and behold I have not 'done' much.

The answer is, i suppose, some mixture of procrastination and faithfulness. Not everything of value can be measured in terms of checking off a list ... family and people are not so easy to quantify. But, honestly, there has been perhaps too much WAB - bing (Work Avoidance Behavior).

So i make a resolution in my mind ... come Monday to get organized and motivated. I have made these before :)