Sunday, April 16, 2006

Easter Sunday Devotional - John 20: 10-18

What a surreal experience this must have been for Mary. Great grief, tremendous confusion, mistaken identity, elation, surprise, joy, excitement and probably much more. What stands out to me is that the resurrection of Jesus from the dead - the empty tomb - changes everything. it brings clarity to confusion, brings joy to grief, and brings purpose to standing around doing nothing. at least it should, but i too often don't live my life in the light of the resurrection of Jesus and the empty tomb.

you see, it is in this once-off historical event that the hope of every human lies. the resurrection is a seismic shift in all of creation, changing things forever. and this seismic shift plays out in the lives of individual men and women (isn't it wonderful that a woman is the first to encounter the risen Jesus?!) like Mary, and like me; when Jesus calls out our names. i find it very moving that it was by calling out her personal name - Mary - that breaks through all the crying and desperation. there is something very tender, and human, about this moment. am i looking for Jesus today? am i listening for His voice?

may i listen for His voice today calling out my name, bringing clarity to any confusion, joy to any grief, and purpose to any dithering! and may i respond like Mary: with passion, physical excitement, joy and celebration!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Easter Saturday Devotional - Isaiah 53: 1-6 (The Message)

You always here about how destructive sin is, how it is powerful and can break lives and communities apart. Three words in this passage made this truth more physically real for me: our sins that 'ripped and tore and crushed him'. My sins weren't just resting upon Jesus gently, but ripping and tearing and crushing ... because this is what sin does. And yet, i play with sin all the time ... as if it were some cute puppy. Forgive me, Jesus.

But in this passage there is also incredible beauty. Did you catch it? Because of this suffering of this Servant of God i am made whole, and i am healed. i like that word 'whole', because my life can seem so fragmented and gap-filled ... even incomplete. But through Jesus i have been (past tense) made whole. in other words, healed. This is a surgery that has already happened so when my Father sees me He sees me whole and healed ... even when i don't 'feel' that way. it IS the spiritual truth. it IS my real identity. amazing.

Finally, there is a challenge in this passage for me as well. do i really believe that 'all my sins' are piled upon Jesus. am i willing to receive forgiveness for all my wanderings and getting lost and doing my own thing and going my own way? i have struggled in my life with embracing this gift of Jesus taking ALL my punishment. Father, forgive my pride.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Good Friday Devotional - Mark 15: 33-41

Darkness was over the land and darkness was in the hearts of Jesus, and those who loved him. What stood out to me in this passage was that even Jesus' last cry made an impact in the heart of someone who heard it. i wonder what was this last cry? did Jesus say anything? was it just a guttural noise? no matter what it was, we read that the centurion heard this cry - and saw how Jesus died - and this led him to exclain, 'Surely this man was the Son of God!' Even as Jesus breathed His last, so this centurion seemed to be taking his first breath as a believer. Even at the moment of His death, Jesus is giving life, making things new. that is the hope in this passage, that is why this is 'GOOD' friday! the death of Jesus brings life ... makes things new!

Another thing which got to me in this passage was the 'alone-ness' of Jesus. completely alone. it struck me when i read those who gave him wine vinegar and said, 'Now leave him alone.' He was already alone. there would be no elijah coming for him. no angels comforting him. and no Father to talk to and be with. this for me is the anguish of Jesus on the cross. He is alone.

a final thought, is the mention of the women at the distance. made me wonder where the men were, and also encourages me that in a very patriarchal period in which women were often thought of as property - the gospel writers give them prominence in the greatest event in world history.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Easter Thursday Devotional - Luke 22: 54-62

Again, another familiar story. But this time i realized something - Peter at least followed Jesus to the house of the high priest. At a distance, but he was there. It made me wonder whether i follow Jesus anywhere near places that might cause me trouble.

Two phrases stood out to me: first, the detail that it was the 'firelight' that exposed Peter to the servant girl. trying to hide in the dark, but his true identity as a follower of Jesus was exposed by this 'firelight'. what would it look for me to live out my true nature as a follower of Jesus without hiding in the dark, or having to be exposed by a servant girl in the 'firelight'? sometimes it seems i wear masks for different people and different situations.

And then you have the phrase, 'The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter.' were Jesus' eyes filled with disappointment? i don't know, but i like to think they were brimming with love and assurance. maybe that is what drove Peter outside to weep bitterly; he was so overwhelmed by the love he saw in his Lord's eyes. i, too, need Jesus to look me in the eye and arrest me in the act of sin and betrayal. i know i don't weep over my sin with enough bitterness and regret. the problem is it is uncomfortable to have my Lord Jesus look me in the eye, hard to hold eye contact long enough to be overwhelmed by His love and driven to weep and repent.

help me look You in the eye, Lord Jesus.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Easter Wednesday Devotional - Matthew 26: 36-46

'My soul is overwhelmed to the point of death' is so deeply powerful. The Son of God moved to such dark depths ... reading this passage again i realize all over how my mind and heart is just unable to grasp the struggle in Jesus' soul that night in the garden. He knew what was coming - no 'ignorance was bliss for him'. He knew the physical, spiritual and relational pain he was about the endure on the cross. Knowing that His Father was to turn from Him and He would be alone ... for the first time in His life.

And that Jesus would ask for help from simple men is such a lovely, human touch. and how human that they failed him. Eyes heavy, exhausted, they gave in to the pull of their flesh. Makes me think of the areas my flesh is weak, even though my spirit is willing even longing to do the right thing. Jesus, forgive me. Spirit, strengthen my flesh to obey.

can i say, 'yet not as i will, but as you will' about the most important things in my life - career, family, my very life? it is easier on small items ... but how about what is most valuable to me? that, like Jesus, is a struggle. but at least i know my Friend Jesus struggled just like me.

But ultimately, this passage is about Jesus and His struggle and pain and also resolve to do the Father's will. i know i can never fully grasp the torment of my Savior's soul that night, but help me, Jesus, not forget it either.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Easter Tuesday Devotional - John 13: 1-17

I really think i would have been very uncomfortable if Jesus was washing my feet. i would smile, look around, see how others are reacting. i don't think i would know what to do. i mean, i would like to have my feet washed. i imagine it would be: soothing, cleansing, relaxing, a little ticklish!, very pleasurable and enjoyable. so why would i wriggle and try and get out of it? intimacy. to have someone wash my feet would mean that there would be touch, and contact, and intimacy ... and i would have to stop wriggling to allow this to happen. meditating on this passage i realized that i wriggle so much during the day, even during my quiet times, that i don't allow Jesus to wash my feet, soothe my soul, touch my heart. maybe i don't want Jesus that close to me?

And i can't serve others with this kind of love unless i allow Jesus to serve me with His kind of love.

Finally, i was struck by how in control of everything Jesus was. He had so much power, and total knowledge of everything - including the evil that was happening in Judas' heart, and the evil that would happen the next day - and this all flowed out in an act of incredible love. Power + knowledge = love in acts of service. what would it look like if the power/influence i had, plus the knowledge God has given me, would flow into loving acts of service? Do i use my power and knowledge to kneel at the feet of those 'lower' than me in society, or do i use it to try and impress and influence those 'higher' than me to try and get something from them?

we are following a Foot-Washing-God ... how totally stupendous and cool is that!?

Friday, April 07, 2006

Easter Monday Devotional - Matthew 28: 6-16

The thing that struck me most strongly was the difference between the woman who was all about giving something immensely valuable to Jesus, and Judas who was all about getting something for himself. Judas is all 'give me, give me, give me.' He just wants what he can get out of his relationship with Jesus, and i can be like that so often. Jesus give me this. Jesus give me that. And sometimes I, like Jesus, am willing to trade him in to get something out of the world - more comfort, less persecution, more money.

On the other hand, this woman saw a unique, once in a life-time, moment to display EXTRAVAGANT LOVE to Jesus. Completely over-the-top love. For her, it was all about giving to Jesus, not getting from Him. Makes me wonder how extravagant and over the top my love for Jesus is? Also, as we approach Easter this woman's act makes me think about how I can take unique moments on this day, and in this week, to demonstrate how much I love Jesus.

Final thought, i just love the fact that this all take place in the house of Simon the Leper. How is that for a cool name! 'The Leper'. Showing again how Jesus hung out with social outcasts and untouchables. Maybe i will find Jesus in the home of outcasts and untouchables this week?